AP BIOLOGY – Course Description and Expectations

Lynbrook High School 2009-2010

Ms. Della Santina  • msdellasantina.com •  Room 304

Telephone: 366-7700 ext 6826  email: nicole_dellasantina@fuhsd.org


Welcome to AP Biology!   I am excited that you have expressed an interest in biology – a discipline that is fascinating, constantly changing, and applicable to our everyday lives.  As we work together this year, our course goals will be to:


The AP Biology course is designed to be the equivalent of a year-long college introductory biology course.  Enrolling in AP Bio means that you have undertaken a personal responsibility to work hard and manage your time to keep up with a rigorous curriculum.  In order to maintain a fun, intellectually stimulating, and balanced year, carefully examine your academic load and outside activities, and make sure that you are willing and prepared to commit AT LEAST one hour per night (more on weekends) to AP Bio.  Your success in (and enjoyment of) this class will directly reflect the amount of energy you invest.




At all times, to contribute positively to the learning environment:




The following are highly recommended: STAR Chemistry test score of 5. Completion of Chemistry/Chem Honors and Biology with minimum grades of B.






·         All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day of the deadline.    





Each grading period you will start with 7 points out of 10 in participation.  Exemplary classroom conduct will earn participation points.  Any violation of class expectations (use of personal electronic devices, bathroom visits beyond one per semester, etc.) will result in deduction of participation points.  Each tardy will result in a loss of 0.5 points.  Unexcused absences will result in a loss of 2 points.   




Students are expected to turn in all assignments.  Course grades are determined by the total number of points earned divided by the total number of possible points in each of the following weighted categories. Grades are rounded to the nearest tenths place, 89.818% becomes 89.8% = B.  

Assignments subject to academic honesty violations receive a 0% F.

Grading Categories

Tests and Quizzes                                                         45%

Homework                                                                    15%

Class Work (Labs/Activities/Warm-Ups/Participation)          20%

Final Exam                                                                    20%

Cumulative Grade                                                        100%



Grading Scale

90-100%     A

80-89%       B

70-79%       C

60-69%       D

59-0%         F










WEBSITE: www.msdellasantina.com

You may use our class website to monitor your progress in our class, check the assignment list, or to use a recommended link. I will do my best to keep your assignments and grades up to date.



Expect to spend time beyond our class during tutorial, lunch, 7th period, or after school working on perfecting your understanding of our challenging content material. Our room will often be used for AP bio study groups. It is important to me that you feel comfortable studying in our room with your classmates and me toward our  goal of success in AP Biology.



Again, welcome to AP Biology. AP courses are very challenging. I will do my best to define the challenges of AP Biology so that you may rise and meet these challenges.






Nicole Della Santina


The above document may be subject to modification.


After reviewing the course description and expectations with your parent/guardian, please sign below, cut, and return the bottom portion to me.  Keep the remaining course description for future reference.




AP BIOLOGY – Course Description and Expectations

Lynbrook High School 2009-2010

Ms. Della Santina



Student Name____________________________



Please write a few sentences to tell me what you would like me to know about your student.                                                                       






We have read and understand the biology course description and expectations.



_________________________                __________________________               _________________________

Student signature                                     Parent/ Guardian signature                       Parent/ Guardian e-mail  


_________________________                ___________________________             ___________________________

Student name (print)                                 Parent/Guardian name (print)                    Parent/ Guardian  Phone number